Tuesday, September 14, 2010

7th meeting, Wednesday, September 29th

MoKS presents:
with Natalia Borissova
Wednesday, September 29th
Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Tartu

This edition of helikoosolek:tartu will feature a visit from current MoKS resident artist Natalia Borissova, who will give a 'Hands-on (your neighbor)' workshop with audio amplifiers adapted into homemade 'crackle' devices - simple, but expressive interactive instruments. The human body and any conductive matters become part of an electric circuit (or the other way around) and determine the range of sounds possible.

Everything conductive found in a room, including the bare skin of your neighbour, can be wired and played in a short collective sonic cross-performance, after building our own 'crackle'-circuits and figuring out what/who is conductive and why. Eight circuits can be temporarily constructed and played collaboratively. All parts will be provided, but please bring a 9V battery.

Nata(lia)sha Borissova is Moscow born, Munich/Berlin-based media artist/organizer working with (s)low-tech in a DIY, explorative, and process-related way. Since 1995 she has been experimenting with visual media while living in Moscow, Berlin, Stuttgart, Buffalo, NY and Munich. She has spent some time as a visiting professor, lecturing on Motion imaging, at New York State University/Buffalo (SUNY), and has been selected for several grants and artists' residencies in Europe. Since 2006 she has been independently running aa-vv.org - a migrating workshop-zone for informal audiovisual education and experimentation, trying to keep both change and continuity in setting up creative workshops, as well as instigating those self-(de)constructivist, experiment-based, temporal norms-forms abandoning situations. Gradually her main interest is shifting from motion to stillness, from showing to looking, from hearing to listening, from art to life, from life to... the dead frog.


helikoosolek:tartu is organised my MoKS and supported by Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Tartu Linnavalitsus, and Eesti Kultuurkapital.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

6th meeting report

Some nice discussion generated by the work of Yiorgis Sakellariou this month, including questions of field-recording in live performance - is there a conceptual or preferential difference between live software processing and simple listening session playback? We had both in this edition - Yiorgis played a live set using field-recordings made in and around the small greek village from which his family originates (with a few recent recordings from Tallinn thrown in for good measure), and also played us a few long duration untreated recordings from the same location, including one stunning recording of the mournful funeral bells of the village church (where he was recently offered the job of village priest, apparently).  We moved this meeting to the floor this time around, borrowed some filled hemp sack cushions from the museum's exhibition, making the room a bit more comfortable.

Next month we'll have a visit from MoKS current artist in residence, Natalia Borissova.  Stay tuned for more details.