Saturday, October 26, 2019

Helikoosolek #59 Latvian Edition: Sound Meccano, bernurits

(In English below)

Helikoosolek jätkab teist järjestikust nädalat võimalusega esitleda Tartu publikule kahte huvitavat Läti projekti: Sound Meccano on Rostislav Rekuta-Dzhordzhevich-i sooloprojekt, kus segatakse elektroakustilist ja ambient muusikat kohaspetsiifiliste lindistustega (field recordings) ning bernurits ("laste hommik") on helikunsti kollektiiv, kes alustas aastal 2007 Riias ning koondab sarnaste vaadetega arhitekte. Nad kirjeldavad oma tegevust kui platvormi heli, kommunikatsiooni ja ruumi avastamiseks ning kasutavad selleks improvisatsiooniliselt aluselt lindistatud heli ning isetehtud- ja elektroakustilisi helitekitajaid. Seekordne bernurits-i kooseis on järgmine: Maksims Šenteļevs, Jēkabs Nīmanis ja Rostislav Rekuta-Dzhordzhevich.

Rohkem infot:

Üritus on tasuta, soovitusliku vaba piletiga 3-5€ esinejate toetuseks ning kulude katteks.


Helikoosolek returns with a second event in as many weeks, as we didn't want to miss the opportunity to present these two Latvian projects to our Tartu audience: Sound Meccano is the solo project of Rostislav Rekuta-Dzhordzhevich, who creates electroacoustic and ambient works with field recordings and other sources, and bernurits ("children's matinee") is a sound art collective developed in 2007 in Riga by a group of like-minded architects, who describe themselves as "a platform for collaboration in the fields of sound, communication and spatial exploration", and an "electro-acoustic improvisation chamber ensemble", using with self-made instruments, field recordings, and electronics. For this performance, bernurits are Maksims Šenteļevs, Jēkabs Nīmanis, and Rostislav Rekuta-Dzhordzhevich.

For more information and sounds, see the following websites:

The event is free, with a recommended donation of 3-5€, to support the artists and cover costs.

Ürituse toimumist toetab Eesti Kultuurkapital. The event is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Helikoosolek #58: Räpina paberivabrik, sound and image

 Picture from Räpina paperfactory

Sinu Helikoosoleku asutaja ja kaaskorraldaja Patrick McGinley tutvustab helisid ja pilte Räpina paberivabrikust, mis on Eesti vanim pidevalt tegutsev tööstus. Aastal 2018 andsid McGinley ja Daniel Edward Allen välja eksperimentaalse dokumentaalfilmi „The Mill”, mida varasemalt filmiti Räpina paberivabrikus 3 aasta vältel. McGinley räägib projektist ning komponeerib live-is protsessi käigus lindistatud helidel, mida saadab Allen-i poolt filmitud visuaalne kollaaž.

Patrick Tubin McGinley (artistinimega murmer) on Ameerika päritolu raadio- ja helikunstnik, kes baseerub Euroopas alates aastast 1996. Sealtmaalt alates alustas ta leitud helide ja leitud objektide kogumist, mis on saanud tema loomingu aluseks. Aastal 2002 lõi ta organisatsiooni nimega Framework, mis laseb ülemaailmselt eetrisse iganädalast välitingimustes lindistamise (field recording) temaatikal põhinevat raadiosaadet. Aastal 2005 külastas ta esmakordselt Eestit ning kolis siia püsivalt alates aastast 2009. Tema töö keskmeks on väikesed leiud ning kontsentreeritud tähelepanu, mis tegeleb meid ümbritsevate helide raamistamisega. Need helid jääksid tavakontekstis pigem märkamatuks, kuid kontekstiväliselt muutuvad nad võõrasteks, kaugeteks ning ebaharilikeks nagu lifti kriuksumine, putuka pinin või iseenda hingamine. Heliga samal määral on fookuses ruumid, objektid, resoneerumine ja inimesed kompositsioonis, esitusel või kollektiivse tegevuse või kogemuse kaudu avastamas heli läbi teadliku ja osavõtliku kuulamise.

Arutelu toimub inglise keeles
Soovitatav annetus: 3-5€

Ürituse toimumist toetab Eesti Kultuurkapital.

Your Helikoosolek founder and co-host Patrick Tubin McGinley this month presents to you sounds and images from the Räpina papermill, the oldest continuously operating industry in Estonia. In 2018, McGinley and his collaborator Daniel Edward Allen released 'The Mill', an experimental documentary shot in the papermill over the previous 3 years. McGinley will discuss the project, and give a live sound performance constructed from abstracted sounds recorded at the mill, accompanied by a collage of visual footage recorded by Allen.

Patrick Tubin McGinley (AKA murmer) is an American-born sound, performance, and radio artist who has been based in Europe since 1996. Since then he has been building a collection of found sounds and found objects that has become the basis of all his work. In 2002 he founded Framework, an organisation that produces a weekly field-recording themed radio show, broad- and podcasting around the world. In 2005 he first visited Estonia, and relocated there permanently in 2009. His work is about small discoveries and concentrated attention; it focuses on the framing of the sounds around us which normally pass through our ears unnoticed and unremarked, but which out of context become unrecognisable, alien and extraordinary: crackling charcoal, a squeaking escalator, a buzzing insect, or one’s own breath. He works equally with spaces, objects, resonances, and people, in composition, performance, or simply collective action and experience, in exploration of perception via attentive listening.

Discussion will be held in English
Recommended donation: 3-5€

The event is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Helikoosolek #57: Silent music

(Vajalik eelregistreerimine!)

„Vaikne muusika” on Maria Jönsson-i ja Jaanus Siniväli projekt, kus tegeldakse vaiksete helide ja tämbrite tekitamise ning sulandamisega flöödil ja kontrabassil eesmärgiga laiendada tajupiire.

Maria Jönsson on Rootsi muusik, kes on omandanud bakalaureuse kraadi flöödiõptamises Isalndil aastal 2016 ning magistrikraadi Nüüdismuusika Interpretatsioon ja Loome (CoPeCo) rahvusvahelises õppekavas Rootsi Kuningliku Muusikakõrgkooli üliõpilasena aastal 2018. Tema huviks on graafiliste elementide tõlgendus heli tekitamisel ning võrgulahenduste kasutamine kompositsioonis.

Jaanus Siniväli on kontrabassimängija ning elektronmuusik, kes tegeleb heli baasil multidistsiplinaarsete teoste loomisega. Ta esitab kaasaegset muusikat ja tegeleb vabaimprovisatsiooniga ning kasutab oma etteastetel kontrabassi, DIY baasil modulaarsüntesaatorit või kontrabassi koos samaaegselt kontrollitava modulaarsüntesaatoriga. Rohkem infot

Pilet 5€ (kohapealt)
Üritusele on 15 kohta (juhul kui kõik soovijad ei mahu toimub võimalusel üks lisasündmus 7.06 või 8.06 õhtul)

Picture of Jaanus and Maria.

(Preregistration needed!)

Silent music project from Maria Jönsson and Jaanus Siniväli is working on creating and blending silent sounds and timbres on flute and double bass for extending perception of sound.

Maria Jönsson is a Swedish musician who finished B.A. in Iceland on flute teaching 2016 and in 2018 she finished her master in Contemporary Performance and Composition from Kungliga Musikhögskolan in Stockholm. Her interests lie in how graphics are translated into sounds and networks in composition.

Jaanus Siniväli is creator of contemporary multidisciplinary pieces, double bass player and electronic musician. He is active in playing contemporary music and free improvisation. His main performance setups include double bass and DIY based modular synthesizer. More at

Ticket 5€ (from the spot)
There are 15 places for the performance (there will be an extra event on the evening of 7.06 or 8.06 in case all the requests can’t be fulfilled).

Helikoosolek presents: Three Free Radicals x Liis Viira

Three Free Radicals on alates 2015. aastast tegutsev USA-Eesti duo, milles mängivad Scott L.Miller (Kyma)
ja Mart Soo (kitarr,elektroonika).Nende kolmandal heliplaadil ,,Atlas of the Heavens'' (improtest Records) lööb külalisena kaasa
harfimängija Liis Viira.
Tegemist on elektroakustiliste vabaimprovisatsioonidega,mis on salvestatud 2017.aasta augustis Peeter Salmela stuudios.

Plaadi esitluskonserdid toimuvad 7.mail Tartus( Helikoosolek) ja 11. mail Tallinnas (Grafodroom).

Pilet: Vaba annetus!

Picture from the event.


Three Free Radicals’ third album, Atlas of the Heavens, adds a voice to the electroacoustic avantimprov
ensemble, harpist Liis Viira. She joins fellow Estonian, guitarist Mart Soo, and Minnesotan liveelectronics
performer Scott L. Miller in this collection of free improvisations recorded in August 2017.

Miller and Soo’s collaboration continues at a distance since their 2015 debut album, Diary of a Left-
Handed Sleepwalker, a ‘satisfying release of experimental music by a duo that has a story to tell.’ (Vital
Weekly) and 2017’s Travelogue, ‘Highly recommended no matter where you stand on present-day
modern matters.‘ (Gapplegate Classical-Modern Music Review). For Atlas of the Heavens, they invited
Viira— another outstanding member of Tallinn’s fertile avant-garde improv scene—to join them in the
studio. Her approach to performing the harp employs the gamut of extended techniques, a liberal use of
kitchen utensils, and occasional singing. Viira’s improvisations include lush arpeggios and funky
ostinatos that perfectly complement Soo’s lyrical guitar style and Miller’s soundscapes.

Mart Soo has performed and collaborated with an impressive cast of international musicians throughout
Europe, Japan, and the U.S. from a diverse range of styles—jazz, classical, non-Western, improvised,
electroacoustic. In addition to his work as a performer and composer for radio, theater, and film, Soo and
pianist/improviser Taavi Kerikmäe have curated Tallinn’s most visible improvised music series since
2005, IMPROTEST. The IMPROTEST label distributes the music of artists who have performed on the
series, including Michel Doneda, Ninh Lé Quan, Isabelle Duthoit, and Xavier Charles.

Scott L. Miller has a long history of electro-acoustic collaborations, including with bass clarinetist Pat
O’Keefe (in Willful Devices), flutist Carla Rees, and the new music ensemble Zeitgeist. He’s best known
for his ecosystemic performance pieces and use of the Kyma sound design environment. He is Past-
President and Director of Recordings of the Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the U.S. (SEAMUS).

Liis Viira has eclectic interests—composition, classical harp interpretation, improvisation, and
experimental animation. Since pursuing these interests at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
and the Estonian Academy of Arts, Viira now performs with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra
and various chamber groups, composes for everything from solo instruments to orchestra, plays free
improv as Liz Wirestring, and makes experimental animation in her studio, Uniliis

Ticket: Free Donation!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Helikoosolek #56: João Castro Pinto

NB!!! Helikoosolek #55 the 24th of April!

Helikoosolek #56 the 1st of May.
Takes place in
Gildi 3-11, 51007 Tartu, Estonia

João Castro Pinto will make a short introduction about his work and perform experimental electroacustic music with his computer based setup.

João Castro Pinto is Portuguese composer and performer, working with experimental music, since the mid 90's. His sound approaches range between: soundscape composition, radio art, electroacoustic, acousmatic, tape music, improvised and experimental electronic genres. He graduated in Philosophy at the New University of Lisbon and is currently finishing a Ph.D. dissertation in Computer Music focused on soundscape composition @ U.C.P. / C.I.T.A.R. - Research Centre for Science and Technology of the Arts, in Porto / Portugal.

He has presented my work regularly, in performances / concerts / appearances, all over Europe, the U.S.A., South America and Asia, festivals and venues such as: ICMC – International Computer Music Conference (USA), Experimental Intermedia Foundation (USA), INA-GRM Multiphonies/Banc D’essai (France), Soundkitchen (England), Visiones Sonoras (Mexico), MUSLAB – International Exhibition of Electroacoustic Music (Argentina), Audio Art Festival (Poland), Wien Modern (Austria), ORF (Austrian Broadcasting: Kunstradio Radiokunst), Sammlung Essl Museum (Austria), Alte Schmiede Kunstverein Wien (Austria), Interpenetration Festival (Austria), PNEM Sound Art Festival (Holland), SICMF – Seoul International Computer Music Festival (South Korea), Dotolimpic - Festival for Improvised and Experimental Music (South Korea), Música Viva (Portugal), C.A.M. – Gulbenkian (Portugal), Centro Cultural de Belém (Portugal), etc.

Picture from the event of João Castro Pinto playing.

He has collaborated with renowned Portuguese and foreign artists from the sound art / experimental and improv. music scenes such as: Tom Hamilton (USA), Thollem Mcdonas (USA), Blaise Siwula (USA), Jeremy Bernstein (USA), Kurt Ralske (USA), Hanna Hartman (SE), Karlheinz Essl (AT), Koji Asano (JP), Bernhard Loibner (AT), Michael Fischer (AT), Vienna Improvisers Orchestra (AT), Jorge Sánchez-Chiong (VE), Philippe Lamy (FR), Gilles Aubry (CH), O.Blaat (JP), Nathan Fuhr (USA), Sei Miguel (PT), Carlos Zíngaro (PT), Rafael Toral (PT), Coti (GR.), D’Incise (CH), John Grzinich (EE), Variable Geometry Orchestra (PT), Ernesto Rodrigues (PT), Red Trio (PT), among many other artists.

More info:

Lecture part of the event will be in English.
Recommended donation!


João Castro Pinto tutvustab enda tööd ja loomingut ning ning esitab eksperimentaalset elektroakustilist muusikat live-elektroonika setup-il.

João Castro Pinto on Portugali päritolu helilooja ning artist, kes on tegev eksperimentaalse muusika alal alates 90-ndatest. Tema lähenemine helile on määratletav helimaastiku komponeerimise, raadio kunsti ning elektroakustilise-, akusmaatilise-, lindi-, improviseeritud- ja eksperimentaalse muusikaga.
Ta lõpetas filosoofiaõpingud Lissabonis (New University of Lisbon) ja hetkel lõpetab dokotriõpinguid Portos (U.C.P. / C.I.T.A.R. - Research Centre for Science and Technology of the Arts, in Porto) teemaks Helimaastiku komponeerimine digitaalse lähenemise abil.

Valitud esinemised ja koostööd inglise keelses tutvustuses.
Rohkem infot:

João Castro Pinto on Eestis seoses tema loomingu esitamisega Eesti ja Maailmamuusika päevadel Eesti Elektroonilise Muusika Seltsi ansambli kontsertil Tallinnas
ning seega suurepärane võimalus teda kuulata ning kuulda ka Tartus Helikoosolekul. Olete oodatud!

Ürituse loengu osa on inglise keeles!
Soovituslik annetus!

Helikoosolek #55: Campbell James Kneale

Helikoosolek #55 takes place the 24th of April in 
Gildi 3-11, 51007 Tartu, Estonia
Drones on solo snare drum + lecture / artist talk

Campbell James Kneale (New Zealand) is always drawn toward resonances that channelled the incendiary extremes of black metal, the stupefying drift of the blankest ambience, and the skyward trajectories of the outermost reaches of free jazz into feral, shamanic, blissfests that distorted the spacetime continuum. Armed with a discography as long as your leg (many of which released on his own frighteningly prolific CELEBRATE PSI PHENOMENON label) Campbell travels, performs, and loves life out loud. His latest 'small-sound' explorations see him extend his everlasting drones into dangerous creative waters, testing himself against his fiercest nemesis... silence.

He has played with: Sonic Youth, Lee Ranaldo, Borbetomagus, KTL, Merzbow, Burial Chamber Trio, Sun City Girls, Hijokaidan, Jazkamer, Astro, Incapacitants, Phill Niblock, Bruce Russell,
Keiji Haino, Gate, MSBR ...

 Picture from the event of Campbell James Kneale playing.

Lecture part of the event will be in English.
Recommended donation!
Campbell James Kneale (Uus-Meremaa) esitab droon muusikat soolo trummil, mis stiililiselt kannab black metal-i, ambienti ning free jazz-i mõjutusi ning tutvustab ennast ja oma tööd.
Ühest küljest on oodata õhtut täis ekstravagantsust ning ootamatusi, mida esineja ise ning teised tema tutvustustes ning arvutustustes esile toovad.
Teisest küljest on oodata stabiilsust ning pidevust, mida pakub droon.
Ühesõnaga - vastuoluline ja huvitav!

Igaljuhul on ette näidata muljeltavaldavad koostööd artistide ja kooslustega nagu: Sonic Youth, Lee Ranaldo, Borbetomagus, KTL, Merzbow, Burial Chamber Trio, Sun City Girls, Hijokaidan, Jazkamer, Astro, Incapacitants, Phill Niblock, Bruce Russell,
Keiji Haino, Gate, MSBR ...

Ürituse loengu osa on inglise keeles!
Soovituslik annetus!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Helikoosolek #54: Einike Leppik & audiovisuaalne kompositsioon

Einike Leppik will introduce her work and creation in the field of audiovisual composition which she is also teaching at EAMT. There will be a lecture part in Estonian with references to the history of audiovisual composition as well as playback of Einike Leppik's selected works.
More info at

The event takes place in:
Gildi 3-11, 51007 Tartu, Estonia

Helikoosolek #53 impro: Kristin Kuldkepp & Daniel Gahrton

This time Helikoosolek focused on free improvisation on the example of two international duos:

Kristin Kuldkepp & Daniel Gahrton
Kristin Kuldkepp (Hamburg) - double bass
Daniel Gahrton (Stockholm) - bariton saxophone


Ilia Beloroukov & Lauri Hyvärinen
Ilia Belorukov (Saint-Petersburg) - electronics
Lauri Hyvärinen (Helsinki) - acoustic guitar, objects

Short introduction on relating with free improvisation by Jaanus Siniväli.


Helikoosolek #52: Patrick Tubin McGinley

After a long hiatus, Helikoosolek is back with a new series of sound-related gatherings in Tartu. For our first meeting of 2019, Helikoosolek founder Patrick Tubin McGinley introduced himself and his work, and performed one of his Echo Surveys in the attic space of Üheteistkümnes. Echo Surveys are a series of site-specific sound performances in which all sounds heard have either been recorded in the performance space, or are produced live from materials found there. It is an attempt to integrate and resonate found sounds, found objects, specific spaces, and moments in time, in order to create a direct and visceral link with an audience and location.

Patrick Tubin McGinley (AKA murmer) is an American-born sound, performance, and radio artist who has been based in Europe since 1996. Since then he has been building a collection of found sounds and found objects that has become the basis of all his work. In 2002 he founded Framework, an organisation that produces a weekly field-recording themed radio show, broad- and podcasting around the world. In 2005 he first visited Estonia, and relocated there permanently in 2009. His work is about small discoveries and concentrated attention; it focuses on the framing of the sounds around us which normally pass through our ears unnoticed and unremarked, but which out of context become unrecognisable, alien and extraordinary: crackling charcoal, a squeaking escalator, a buzzing insect, or one’s own breath. He works equally with spaces, objects, resonances, and people, in composition, performance, or simply collective action and experience, in exploration of perception via attentive listening.

Lecture part of the event was in English.

Patrick during the performance

Eesti Elektroonilise Muusika Selts ja Helikoosolek #51: Sissejuhatus analoogsünteesi

Hans-Gunther Lock gave a lecture based introduction to analogue synthesis in Estonian with Doepfer A-100 modular system. The event took place in collaboration of Helikoosolek and Estonian Electronic Music Society. Theoretical side found it's musical outcome through introduced elements by Hans-Gunther Lock and Jaanus Siniväli.

 Jaanus Siniväli played on his DIY synthesizer.

Helikoosolek presents: Ilia Belorukov & Roomet Jakapi

Helikoosolek was glad to restart the event series in November 2018 with Ilia Belorukov (saxophone) and Roomet Jakapi (voice) who played an impro set.

They were warmed up by Jaanus Siniväli (double bass) and by a presentation/talk from Patrick McGinley.
Roomet Jakapi, voice and objects and Ilia Belorukov, saxophone.
Jaanus Siniväli on double bass.