Lights-Out Listening Session
Wednesday, October 29th
Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Tartu
This month, as autumn weather sets in and the temperature drops, we will hunker down for a bit of sonic hibernation. Our regular host Patrick McGinley curates a Lights-Out Listening Session featuring recent favorite submissions to his framework radio program, "consecrated to field recording and its use in composition." We will listen in full to these long works, sonic compositions making use of field recordings and real-world acoustic sound captures, in our usual space, transformed from a lecture room to our own autumnal den, darkened and arranged with cushions and pillows for comfortable listening in a comfortable position. Tea will be provided!
Participants are encouraged to bring recordings that they feel may be appropriate for addition to the playlist, their own pillows for sitting or lying on the floor, and biscuits. We will darken the room as much as possible, but participants could also bring something to cover their eyes if they wish.
helikoosolek:tartu is a regular gathering for the exploration of sound in all forms. The meetings comprise presentations, concerts, workshops, discussions, and field trips pertaining to sound and its consideration in art, music, architecture, ecology, philosophy, social and cultural interaction, and any other context that presents itself. Participants are encouraged to propose activities or discussions on topics of their interest, or to present projects of their own for feedback. Sessions take place on the last Wednesday of each month, from 6-8pm at the Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
helikoosolek:tartu is organised by Patrick McGinley and supported by Eesti Rahva Muuseum and Tartu Linnavalitsus.