with Madis Vasser
Wednesday, January 28th
Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Tartu
Welcome to helikoosolek 2015! We are back with a slightly pared down schedule for this year - next month we will be celebrating our 50th(!) edition, after which we will be switching to a more casual, occasional schedule. But more on that in the coming months.
For this month's meeting we will be exploring the topic of psychoacoustics - our psychological and physiological response to sound. Our guide will be Madis Vasser, a masters student from the psychology department at the University of Tartu and also a helikoosolek regular. In the past year Madis has been heavily involved in Psühhobuss, an organization that brings psychological science closer to everyday folk.
We will explore exactly where sound-waves meet the psyche and where the signals go from there. Different brain regions will be discussed and their functions demonstrated (noninvasively!). We can test the assumption that everyone perceives the outside world similarly - you may be surprised! We also cover some interesting sound illusions and cross-modal effects. In the end we’ll hear why studying psychoacoustics might be a worthwhile pursuit in the fields of diagnostics and language learning.
helikoosolek:tartu is a regular gathering for the exploration of sound in all forms. The meetings comprise presentations, concerts, workshops, discussions, and field trips pertaining to sound and its consideration in art, music, architecture, ecology, philosophy, social and cultural interaction, and any other context that presents itself. Participants are encouraged to propose activities or discussions on topics of their interest, or to present projects of their own for feedback. Sessions take place on the last Wednesday of each month, from 6-8pm at the Eesti Rahva Muuseum.
helikoosolek:tartu is organised by Patrick McGinley and supported by Eesti Rahva Muuseum.