Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Helikoosolek #56: João Castro Pinto

NB!!! Helikoosolek #55 the 24th of April!

Helikoosolek #56 the 1st of May.
Takes place in
Gildi 3-11, 51007 Tartu, Estonia

João Castro Pinto will make a short introduction about his work and perform experimental electroacustic music with his computer based setup.

João Castro Pinto is Portuguese composer and performer, working with experimental music, since the mid 90's. His sound approaches range between: soundscape composition, radio art, electroacoustic, acousmatic, tape music, improvised and experimental electronic genres. He graduated in Philosophy at the New University of Lisbon and is currently finishing a Ph.D. dissertation in Computer Music focused on soundscape composition @ U.C.P. / C.I.T.A.R. - Research Centre for Science and Technology of the Arts, in Porto / Portugal.

He has presented my work regularly, in performances / concerts / appearances, all over Europe, the U.S.A., South America and Asia, festivals and venues such as: ICMC – International Computer Music Conference (USA), Experimental Intermedia Foundation (USA), INA-GRM Multiphonies/Banc D’essai (France), Soundkitchen (England), Visiones Sonoras (Mexico), MUSLAB – International Exhibition of Electroacoustic Music (Argentina), Audio Art Festival (Poland), Wien Modern (Austria), ORF (Austrian Broadcasting: Kunstradio Radiokunst), Sammlung Essl Museum (Austria), Alte Schmiede Kunstverein Wien (Austria), Interpenetration Festival (Austria), PNEM Sound Art Festival (Holland), SICMF – Seoul International Computer Music Festival (South Korea), Dotolimpic - Festival for Improvised and Experimental Music (South Korea), Música Viva (Portugal), C.A.M. – Gulbenkian (Portugal), Centro Cultural de Belém (Portugal), etc.

Picture from the event of João Castro Pinto playing.

He has collaborated with renowned Portuguese and foreign artists from the sound art / experimental and improv. music scenes such as: Tom Hamilton (USA), Thollem Mcdonas (USA), Blaise Siwula (USA), Jeremy Bernstein (USA), Kurt Ralske (USA), Hanna Hartman (SE), Karlheinz Essl (AT), Koji Asano (JP), Bernhard Loibner (AT), Michael Fischer (AT), Vienna Improvisers Orchestra (AT), Jorge Sánchez-Chiong (VE), Philippe Lamy (FR), Gilles Aubry (CH), O.Blaat (JP), Nathan Fuhr (USA), Sei Miguel (PT), Carlos Zíngaro (PT), Rafael Toral (PT), Coti (GR.), D’Incise (CH), John Grzinich (EE), Variable Geometry Orchestra (PT), Ernesto Rodrigues (PT), Red Trio (PT), among many other artists.

More info:

Lecture part of the event will be in English.
Recommended donation!


João Castro Pinto tutvustab enda tööd ja loomingut ning ning esitab eksperimentaalset elektroakustilist muusikat live-elektroonika setup-il.

João Castro Pinto on Portugali päritolu helilooja ning artist, kes on tegev eksperimentaalse muusika alal alates 90-ndatest. Tema lähenemine helile on määratletav helimaastiku komponeerimise, raadio kunsti ning elektroakustilise-, akusmaatilise-, lindi-, improviseeritud- ja eksperimentaalse muusikaga.
Ta lõpetas filosoofiaõpingud Lissabonis (New University of Lisbon) ja hetkel lõpetab dokotriõpinguid Portos (U.C.P. / C.I.T.A.R. - Research Centre for Science and Technology of the Arts, in Porto) teemaks Helimaastiku komponeerimine digitaalse lähenemise abil.

Valitud esinemised ja koostööd inglise keelses tutvustuses.
Rohkem infot:

João Castro Pinto on Eestis seoses tema loomingu esitamisega Eesti ja Maailmamuusika päevadel Eesti Elektroonilise Muusika Seltsi ansambli kontsertil Tallinnas
ning seega suurepärane võimalus teda kuulata ning kuulda ka Tartus Helikoosolekul. Olete oodatud!

Ürituse loengu osa on inglise keeles!
Soovituslik annetus!

Helikoosolek #55: Campbell James Kneale

Helikoosolek #55 takes place the 24th of April in 
Gildi 3-11, 51007 Tartu, Estonia
Drones on solo snare drum + lecture / artist talk

Campbell James Kneale (New Zealand) is always drawn toward resonances that channelled the incendiary extremes of black metal, the stupefying drift of the blankest ambience, and the skyward trajectories of the outermost reaches of free jazz into feral, shamanic, blissfests that distorted the spacetime continuum. Armed with a discography as long as your leg (many of which released on his own frighteningly prolific CELEBRATE PSI PHENOMENON label) Campbell travels, performs, and loves life out loud. His latest 'small-sound' explorations see him extend his everlasting drones into dangerous creative waters, testing himself against his fiercest nemesis... silence.

He has played with: Sonic Youth, Lee Ranaldo, Borbetomagus, KTL, Merzbow, Burial Chamber Trio, Sun City Girls, Hijokaidan, Jazkamer, Astro, Incapacitants, Phill Niblock, Bruce Russell,
Keiji Haino, Gate, MSBR ...

 Picture from the event of Campbell James Kneale playing.

Lecture part of the event will be in English.
Recommended donation!
Campbell James Kneale (Uus-Meremaa) esitab droon muusikat soolo trummil, mis stiililiselt kannab black metal-i, ambienti ning free jazz-i mõjutusi ning tutvustab ennast ja oma tööd.
Ühest küljest on oodata õhtut täis ekstravagantsust ning ootamatusi, mida esineja ise ning teised tema tutvustustes ning arvutustustes esile toovad.
Teisest küljest on oodata stabiilsust ning pidevust, mida pakub droon.
Ühesõnaga - vastuoluline ja huvitav!

Igaljuhul on ette näidata muljeltavaldavad koostööd artistide ja kooslustega nagu: Sonic Youth, Lee Ranaldo, Borbetomagus, KTL, Merzbow, Burial Chamber Trio, Sun City Girls, Hijokaidan, Jazkamer, Astro, Incapacitants, Phill Niblock, Bruce Russell,
Keiji Haino, Gate, MSBR ...

Ürituse loengu osa on inglise keeles!
Soovituslik annetus!