Thursday, November 24, 2011

19th meeting, Wednesday, November 30th

MoKS presents:
with Rauno Kalda
Wednesday, November 30th
Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Tartu

Rauno Kalda, one of Estonia's very few experts in bats and echolocation, will be our guest at the
next helikoosolek. Rauno is a master's student in biology at the University of Tartu, and has been working extensively with bats for the past five years. Much of his work is comprised of recording and analyzing the sounds they produce.

Rauno will explain echolocation and how it is used by bats to sense their surroundings and orient themselves within it. Bat sonar can tell us a lot about a specific species' place of habitation and ecological niche. Together we will try to catch a glimpse of the deceptively soundless world of bats, in order to realise that their world is full of sounds that we can't hear. We will also examine the equipment and devices that are used to study this sonic world, as well as watch and listen to many recorded examples.

helikoosolek:tartu is a regular gathering for the exploration of sound in all forms.  The meetings comprise presentations, concerts, workshops, discussions, and field trips pertaining to sound and its consideration in art, music, architecture, ecology, philosophy, social and cultural interaction, and any other context that presents itself. Participants are encouraged to propose activities or discussions on topics of their interest, or to present projects of their own for feedback.  Sessions take place on the last Wednesday of each month, from 6-8pm at the Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

helikoosolek:tartu is organised my MoKS and supported by Eesti Rahva Muuseum and Tartu Kultuurkapital.

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