Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Helikoosolek #57: Silent music

(Vajalik eelregistreerimine!)

„Vaikne muusika” on Maria Jönsson-i ja Jaanus Siniväli projekt, kus tegeldakse vaiksete helide ja tämbrite tekitamise ning sulandamisega flöödil ja kontrabassil eesmärgiga laiendada tajupiire.

Maria Jönsson on Rootsi muusik, kes on omandanud bakalaureuse kraadi flöödiõptamises Isalndil aastal 2016 ning magistrikraadi Nüüdismuusika Interpretatsioon ja Loome (CoPeCo) rahvusvahelises õppekavas Rootsi Kuningliku Muusikakõrgkooli üliõpilasena aastal 2018. Tema huviks on graafiliste elementide tõlgendus heli tekitamisel ning võrgulahenduste kasutamine kompositsioonis.

Jaanus Siniväli on kontrabassimängija ning elektronmuusik, kes tegeleb heli baasil multidistsiplinaarsete teoste loomisega. Ta esitab kaasaegset muusikat ja tegeleb vabaimprovisatsiooniga ning kasutab oma etteastetel kontrabassi, DIY baasil modulaarsüntesaatorit või kontrabassi koos samaaegselt kontrollitava modulaarsüntesaatoriga. Rohkem infot

Pilet 5€ (kohapealt)
Üritusele on 15 kohta (juhul kui kõik soovijad ei mahu toimub võimalusel üks lisasündmus 7.06 või 8.06 õhtul)

Picture of Jaanus and Maria.

(Preregistration needed!)

Silent music project from Maria Jönsson and Jaanus Siniväli is working on creating and blending silent sounds and timbres on flute and double bass for extending perception of sound.

Maria Jönsson is a Swedish musician who finished B.A. in Iceland on flute teaching 2016 and in 2018 she finished her master in Contemporary Performance and Composition from Kungliga Musikhögskolan in Stockholm. Her interests lie in how graphics are translated into sounds and networks in composition.

Jaanus Siniväli is creator of contemporary multidisciplinary pieces, double bass player and electronic musician. He is active in playing contemporary music and free improvisation. His main performance setups include double bass and DIY based modular synthesizer. More at

Ticket 5€ (from the spot)
There are 15 places for the performance (there will be an extra event on the evening of 7.06 or 8.06 in case all the requests can’t be fulfilled).

Helikoosolek presents: Three Free Radicals x Liis Viira

Three Free Radicals on alates 2015. aastast tegutsev USA-Eesti duo, milles mängivad Scott L.Miller (Kyma)
ja Mart Soo (kitarr,elektroonika).Nende kolmandal heliplaadil ,,Atlas of the Heavens'' (improtest Records) lööb külalisena kaasa
harfimängija Liis Viira.
Tegemist on elektroakustiliste vabaimprovisatsioonidega,mis on salvestatud 2017.aasta augustis Peeter Salmela stuudios.

Plaadi esitluskonserdid toimuvad 7.mail Tartus( Helikoosolek) ja 11. mail Tallinnas (Grafodroom).

Pilet: Vaba annetus!

Picture from the event.


Three Free Radicals’ third album, Atlas of the Heavens, adds a voice to the electroacoustic avantimprov
ensemble, harpist Liis Viira. She joins fellow Estonian, guitarist Mart Soo, and Minnesotan liveelectronics
performer Scott L. Miller in this collection of free improvisations recorded in August 2017.

Miller and Soo’s collaboration continues at a distance since their 2015 debut album, Diary of a Left-
Handed Sleepwalker, a ‘satisfying release of experimental music by a duo that has a story to tell.’ (Vital
Weekly) and 2017’s Travelogue, ‘Highly recommended no matter where you stand on present-day
modern matters.‘ (Gapplegate Classical-Modern Music Review). For Atlas of the Heavens, they invited
Viira— another outstanding member of Tallinn’s fertile avant-garde improv scene—to join them in the
studio. Her approach to performing the harp employs the gamut of extended techniques, a liberal use of
kitchen utensils, and occasional singing. Viira’s improvisations include lush arpeggios and funky
ostinatos that perfectly complement Soo’s lyrical guitar style and Miller’s soundscapes.

Mart Soo has performed and collaborated with an impressive cast of international musicians throughout
Europe, Japan, and the U.S. from a diverse range of styles—jazz, classical, non-Western, improvised,
electroacoustic. In addition to his work as a performer and composer for radio, theater, and film, Soo and
pianist/improviser Taavi Kerikmäe have curated Tallinn’s most visible improvised music series since
2005, IMPROTEST. The IMPROTEST label distributes the music of artists who have performed on the
series, including Michel Doneda, Ninh Lé Quan, Isabelle Duthoit, and Xavier Charles.

Scott L. Miller has a long history of electro-acoustic collaborations, including with bass clarinetist Pat
O’Keefe (in Willful Devices), flutist Carla Rees, and the new music ensemble Zeitgeist. He’s best known
for his ecosystemic performance pieces and use of the Kyma sound design environment. He is Past-
President and Director of Recordings of the Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the U.S. (SEAMUS).

Liis Viira has eclectic interests—composition, classical harp interpretation, improvisation, and
experimental animation. Since pursuing these interests at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
and the Estonian Academy of Arts, Viira now performs with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra
and various chamber groups, composes for everything from solo instruments to orchestra, plays free
improv as Liz Wirestring, and makes experimental animation in her studio, Uniliis

Ticket: Free Donation!