7th of November 2019
Theodore Parker on muusik, kes tegeleb elektroakustilise improvisatsiooniga. Tema loominguline fookus keskendub heli kogemisele ja interpretatsioonile olenevalt ruumi omadustest ja aspektidest. Tihti sisaldavad tema tööd heli difusioooni mitmekanalilistes kõlarisüsteemides, ruumiakustikat, helimaastikku ning kohati sotsiaalset või ajaloolist konteksti.
Sellel korral on kasutusel lihtne stereo süsteem, et tegeleda heli peegeldumistega resonantses ruumis. Kõlarite asetus ruumis koos ruumi akustikaga loob esineja kontrollile allumatu keskonna. Sellele lisanduvad reaalajas ebastabiilses kõlakeskonnas vastu võetud otsused, mis võtab tekkinud ruumi kui dominatset kapseldust, kus viibivad nii esineja kui kuulajad.
Kontsertiosale järgneb lähenemise ning kasutatava süsteemi tutvustus inglise keeles.
Üritus on tasuta, soovitusliku vaba piletiga 3-5€ esinejate toetuseks ning kulude katteks.
Helikoosoleku toimumist toetab Eesti Kultuurkapital.
Theodore Parker is an improvising electro-acoustic musician. His artistic output focuses on how the particular features of a given space transform our interpretation of sound and experience. Often his work explores the use of multi-channel diffusion, room acoustics, soundscape phenomenon, and occasionally, social or historical context.
In this concert Theodore will make use of a simple stereo system which mimics some of the behaviors of sound reflections. However, the positions of the speakers coupled with the acoustic qualities of the hall will convergence in ways which are outside of the performer’s own control. The improvisation is, inexplicably, a response to this context. The real time decisions are made inside of a situation which is not controlled or perfectly stable. This makes the stereo system and qualities of the space, in their own subtle way, the dominate container inside which performer and audience experience occurs.
Concert part is followed by introduction to the technical solution and approach of the performance in English.
The event is free, with a recommended donation of 3-5€, to support the artists and cover costs.
Helikoosolek is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
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