Wednesday, February 20, 2013

30th meeting, Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

MoKS presents:
with Patrick McGinley
Wednesday, February 27th
Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Tartu

RSVP via the facebook event here!

This month, after January's concentration on microphone specifications, polar patterns, and usage techniques,  we will continue our explorations with the construction of our own simple contact microphones.

A contact microphone is a microphone that records audio vibration passing through solid objects, rather that passing through air, as with a conventional microphone. Contact microphones can be used to explore hidden or unheard sound in any resonant structure (such as wire fences, walls, support cables, ventilation...) or can simply be used to directly amplify musical instruments (as a pickup for an acoustic guitar, for example). In our short meeting we will have the materials for each participant to construct a simple functioning mono contact microphone with minijack output, for use with any recording device. We will also discuss further more advanced construction options that can be continued at home, make some initial recordings with our new microphones, and listen to a playlist of recordings from the international field recording community made with such microphones.

Participation is free, and participants will be able to keep their microphones. Materials and space are limited, and will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis, so please come early. Please bring your own sound recorder and headphones if you have them.

helikoosolek:tartu is a regular gathering for the exploration of sound in all forms.  The meetings comprise presentations, concerts, workshops, discussions, and field trips pertaining to sound and its consideration in art, music, architecture, ecology, philosophy, social and cultural interaction, and any other context that presents itself. Participants are encouraged to propose activities or discussions on topics of their interest, or to present projects of their own for feedback.  Sessions take place on the last Wednesday of each month, from 6-8pm at the Eesti Rahva Muuseum.

helikoosolek:tartu is organised by MoKS and supported by Eesti Rahva Muuseum and Tartu Linnavalitsus.

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